Chuck Drago

Submitted by Najet Miah on Tue, 07/30/2024 - 20:29

Chuck Drago is a highly decorated, career law enforcement officer who advanced through the ranks of the police department with an exemplary record. Recognized for integrity and leadership, he was appointed as assistant police chief and police chief and to two senior government positions by the Governor of Florida.

An experienced frontline law enforcement officer who was directly or indirectly involved in thousands of arrests, he has testified in hundreds of depositions, hearings and trials. His written reports have been utilized in hundreds of civil and criminal depositions, hearings and trials in state and federal court.

As a senior leader of a major law enforcement agency, he has investigated hundreds of police misconduct allegations in a variety of areas including use of force/Taser/pepper spray/firearms, K-9, police pursuits, workplace violence, etc. He has broad-based experience in high liability areas including the management and development of policies and procedures in those areas. His experience includes service in various capacities with direct hands-on involvement and/or supervision in areas such as patrol, street narcotics, SWAT, vice, street crimes, criminal investigations, and homicide.

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