Week of March 8, 2021

Eagan v. Dempsey

Submitted by Re'Neisha Stevenson on Wed, 10/26/2022 - 01:25

District court erred in failing to appoint counsel for pro se plaintiff; with counsel it would be reasonably likely that medically ill plaintiff could hold prison doctor liable on claim that he left him in significant and prolonged pain to “teach him a lesson about the consequences of self-destructive behavior,” namely plaintiff’s head-banging in response to hearing voices.

Tabares v. City of Huntington Beach

Submitted by Re'Neisha Stevenson on Wed, 10/26/2022 - 01:23

Officer followed, then struggled with, then shot and killed emotionally disturbed man; district court dismissed § 1983 claim and negligence claim; plaintiff appealed only negligence claim and court reversed, noting that California negligence law on deadly force was broader than Fourth Amendment and that officer’s pre-shooting conduct could render his behavior unreasonable; jury could find: that officer had reason to be aware that decedent was mentally ill, that officer failed to follow police protocol dealing with mentally ill persons before using force, that officer failed to deescalate th

Luer v. Clinton

Submitted by Re'Neisha Stevenson on Wed, 10/26/2022 - 01:21

Community caretaker exception may have authorized officers responding to cab driver’s complaint that passenger skipped fare to enter curtilage of home, and even home itself given open garage door at 3 AM, but warrantless extensive search of house violated Fourth Amendment.