Green v. Lane County and Corizon
Deliberately indifferent failure to diagnose and treat inmate’s spinal injury, causing quadriplegia and death; 28 year old male inmate survived by parents; all but $500,000 paid by Corizon.
Deliberately indifferent failure to diagnose and treat inmate’s spinal injury, causing quadriplegia and death; 28 year old male inmate survived by parents; all but $500,000 paid by Corizon.
35 y.o mentally ill woman allowed to commit suicide in jail after 50 days in solitary confinement without treatment; defendant was private jail company; survived by parents.
Jail medical company failed to provide adequate care to drug-addicted Iraq War veteran with PTSD, who hanged himself in the Nassau County Jail. Survived by mother and brother. Jury assessed $890,000 compensatory damages and $7M punitives against medical provider; civil rights attorneys fees not included in verdict and awarded after trial.
57 y.o. man in diabetic crisis in prison denied medical care and instead restrained for fourteen minutes with deputies on his back until unresponsive and dead; survived by daughter.
37 y.o man who mysteriously broke neck in jail, not treated for 51 hours, while he largely laid on the floor until he died.
Jail suicide of pizza shop owner; private jail medical provider was deliberately indifferent to his risk of suicide; jury assessed $8M in punis against the medical corp., PrimeCare.
Jail death of 58 y.o. chronic alcoholic man, deprived of proper alcohol detoxification and confined in a restraint chair for 55 hours.
Jail death of homeless, mentally ill, 40 y.o. man; survived by mother.