Ballard v. NYC and Corizon
39 y.o. mentally ill man denied medication and treatment for mental illness and diabetes died in jail.
39 y.o. mentally ill man denied medication and treatment for mental illness and diabetes died in jail.
Deliberately indifferent failure to diagnose and treat inmate’s spinal injury, causing quadriplegia and death; 28 year old male inmate survived by parents; all but $500,000 paid by Corizon.
Death in jail of 50-year-old, unemployed, alcoholic man, survived by four adult children. Non-economic damages only. Defendant Corizon Health, Inc., was deliberately indifferent to inmate’s medical needs by failing to place him on alcohol detox protocols and allowing him to go into severe alcohol withdrawal; then when inmate was hallucinating with Delirium Tremens, 10 deputies beat and Tased him to death.
26 y.o. woman died in jail while detoxing from heroin without proper medical care; survived by parents.