Ortiz v. City of Fullerton (CA), Bryan Bybee, Matt Martinez, Billy Phu, Emmanuel Pulido
Jail deputies assaulted deceased causing bi-lateral jaw fracture. Plaintiff died 7 days later of cardiac arrest. Expert could not relate death to the assault.
Jail deputies assaulted deceased causing bi-lateral jaw fracture. Plaintiff died 7 days later of cardiac arrest. Expert could not relate death to the assault.
Bifcurcated case. Plaintiff, a closed-head injury patient, was in his home when his wife phone local LEO to get her cell phone from her husband. While inside Plaintiff’s home, the officers jumped and beat Plaintiff with a baton. Officer testified that it “slipped” into an extended position; physical injuries demonstrated repeated blows. Fellow officer testified that based on the physical evidence, it couldn’t possibly have happened the way the defendant officer described…settled shortly after his officer’s deposition.
Plaintiff, Gerald Wilcox, 43, was arrested in his home in a quiet Detroit suburb by two Detroit Police Dep’t. officers looking for a Gerald Wilcox in his 20s who robbed a Family Dollar store in Detroit the previous day. The warrantless arrest, without consent or exigent circumstances, occurred in front of Wilcox’s wife and teenge son. Wilcox spent 15 days in the county jail before the Officer-in-Charge admitted that he learned the night of the arrest that the plaintiff was the wrong person. Charges were dismissed 6 weeks after the arrest when an eyewitness told the prosecutor that Mr.
Sidney Gurley, 46 African American inmate at Gus Harrison, died of peritonitis from an undiagnosed appendicitis. Sidney reported, on multiple ocassions, abdominal events. Kited, but not seen by healthcare until day before his death. Even then, he was misdiagnosed as suffering urinary tract infection. Officers ignored obvious signs of illness and other inmates complaints on behalf of Sidney. Of course, officers reported during rounds they checked for breathing and signs of life, even up to the point of rigors. Also settled for confidential amount with attending physician assistant.
Plaintiff was arrested for a homicide in 2006, underwent two jury trials, was convicted and served 7 years of a life sentence before one of the perps of the original crime was picked up by the feds. He gave a proffer statement which led to a re-investigation of the homicide by the feds and one lamplighter LEO, where it was discovered that 2 police reports containing exculpatory information for Plaintiff and INCULPATING the true killer were removed from the homicide file. After motion for new trial, prosecutor dismissed in 2014.
Jail deputies assaulted deceased causing bi-lateral jaw fracture. Plaintiff died 7 days later of cardiac arrest. Expert could not relate death to the assault.
$5.25M verdict for prisoner’s wrongful death, due to psychiatrist prescribing medication without examination, causing adverse reaction and death. Also, medical staff were unqualified and corrections officers were deliberately indifferent to prisoner’s sickness. Verdict represented $2M conscious pain and suffering; $3M punitive damages against psychiatrist; and interest; plus additional $600k pre-trial settlement with jail staff.
Police beat to death a non-compliant, drug intoxicated man; two officers were convicted in his death.
Jail death of homeless, mentally ill, 40 y.o. man; survived by mother.
Jail beating of 42 y.o. man arrested for drunk driving; video-recorded incident including beating, tasing, and pepper spray while plaintiff was resistant and being handcuffed, then left for two hours in spit mask; verdict includes $19M in punitive damages against 5 deputies.