Opposition Testimony - FL HB 601
NPAP opposition testimony to Florida House Bill 601, a bill that would ban local governments from adopting police accountability measures of their choosing to make their communities safer.
NPAP opposition testimony to Florida House Bill 601, a bill that would ban local governments from adopting police accountability measures of their choosing to make their communities safer.
Preempting regulation of complaints against law enforcement officers and correctional officers to the state.
Deleting provisions relating to complaint review boards; authorizing law enforcement officers and correctional officers to pursue appropriate administrative relief or file a civil action if the officer is disciplined for certain violations; deleting the requirement that certain violations by agencies or investigators be intentional; deleting the requirement for an agency head to initiate an investigation against an investigator, etc.
Specifying requirements for and limitations and restrictions on the use of restrictive housing; providing documentation requirements for staff members directly involved in using restrictive housing for an individual; specifying conditions required in restrictive housing, etc.
Requiring the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability to conduct an annual study on the use of restrictive housing for all prisoners in the state correctional system; specifying the types of restrictive housing placements to be studied; requiring that the annual study include specified data per certain age groups and categories as it relates to the uses of restrictive housing, to include the frequency and duration, demographic information, the conditions of restrictive housing, mental health, economic data, and program questions, etc.
Plaintiff died within 10 days of beginning pretrial confinement in a local jail near Gainesville, FL due to an ectopic pregnancy, but within one day of complaints of abdominal pain. Video evidence showed plaintiff virtually falling out of a wheelchair as she was transported out of GP into segregation. Case settled while pending interlocutory appeal on qualified immunity before Eleventh Circuit after all briefs filed. DMS