Opposition Testimony - CO HB 1074
Testimony opposing Colorado House Bill 1074, a bill that would result in harsh penalties for individuals simply trying to defend themselves against violent police dog attacks.
Colorado HB 1103
Prohibiting use of excited delirium.
Colorado HB 1074
Aggravated felony for harming law enforcement animal.
Hartwell v. Private Jail Medical Company
Epileptic man with numerous pre-existing conditions including diabetes, hypertension, and alcoholism, was denied seizure medication for 20 days in jail by jail’s private, for-profit medical company; man sustained multiple seizures including one for 7.5 hours; Plaintiff survived, with permanent brain damage.
Colorado DA Accountability Bill (DAAB)
The Colorado District Attorney Accountability and Transparency Bill (DAAB) is in the works to be introduced in CO this legislative session by Colorado Attorneys Against Police Violence (CAAPV).