Pete Hernandez v. City of Austin, Jesus Sanchez, John Sikoski & Robert Escamilla

Current Revsion Submitted: Wed, 12/07/2022 - 11:08
Submitted by Re'Neisha Stevenson on Wed, 12/07/2022 - 11:00

Mistaken identity of citizen. Police thought he had stolen a car and approached Plaintiff in a Walmart parking lot, ordering him to get on the ground. As Plaintiff was complying with the commands, Jesus Sanchez tackled the Plaintiff, causing a low back injury, necessitating a two level lumbar fusion.


Plaintiff had about $300,000 past medical expenses. We received the verdict in February, 2016. As of November, 2016, we are still waiting on Judge Yeakel to approve and order attorney fees.

Docket Number / Citation
Stage of litigation that case resolved
Total Dollar Amount
Claim(s) / Cause(s) of Action
Year Filed
Year Resolved
Number of Plaintiffs