Burwell v. City of Lansing, MI

Submitted by Re'Neisha Stevenson on Wed, 10/26/2022 - 08:41

Plaintiff’s decedent was arrested for suspended license violation and three hours after he was booked into jail he was found dead of a drug overdose; objective component that prisoner’s medical need was sufficiently serious was met because he died of multiple drug intoxication; prisoner had an obvious need for medical care where he was bent at the waist, swaying, grabbing his head and midsection, dropping his food, falling to the floor repeatedly, and lying on floor with a pool of vomit around his head; court refuses to reach issue of whether Kingsley eliminated subjective prong because plaintiff failed to argue that in district court; court finds sufficient evidence of knowledge on only one officer, affords summary judgment to four others after detailed factual analysis.

Actionable Conduct Edition