Passion to Practice: Empowering Lawyers in Civil Rights and Police Misconduct Litigation

Please complete the fields below to register for NPAP's in-person CLE: Passion to Practice: Empowering Lawyers in Civil Rights and Police Misconduct Litigation.

NOTE: if you are seeking CLE accrediation, please be sure to complete the fields for state bar and bar number. If you have more than one state you are seeking credit hours in, please email Re'Neisha at with the additional states you would like to seek credit in.



CLE Registration
Event Fee(s)
Total for this participant
Dietary Needs and Restrictions
This event will be catered - if you plan to participate in any of the provided meals, please indicate any dietary restrictions or preferences in the fields below. If you will be attending virtually, or do not plan to participate in any meals, please simply put "N/A" in the below fields.
Previous Experience
CLE Accreditation Details
Select "United States" to reduce the list of states/provinces below to US states/provinces.
State that you are barred in and seeking CLE accreditation in.
Your bar number.